Penn State Abington Cultural and Community Events, sponsored by Susquehanna Bank, will screen the film version of Verdi's opera "Nabucco" on Sunday, Sept. 22.
Parents and caregivers can combat summer learning loss with a variety of educational and enrichment opportunities at Penn State Abington Kids & Teen College.
Despite the crush of papers and exams as the end of the semester approaches, Penn State Abington THON members remain focused. With a boost from nearly $4,500 collected during the third and final canning weekend, they are more than halfway to the $50,000 fund-raising goal for the 2013 IFC/Panhellenic Dance Marathon.
Penn State Abington THON is nearly halfway to the ambitious fund-raising goal it set for the 2013 IFC/Panhellenic Dance Marathon - a 9-year-old cancer survivor keeps the students focused despite their hectic academic, work and personal commitments.